
The problem with ‘Girl Bands’

Isn’t it about time that we stop pointing out the fact that the band members of The Like and Warpaint all have vaginas?


A Dialogue With Cunts

Of course we’re ungrateful, you patronising fuckwit. What exactly gives people who have cocks the authority to give or take human rights from people who have cunts? Absolutely nothing.

 Andrew McMillen

An open letter to Stonefield

As I watched you play, Stonefield, I took in the crowd around me. Toward the front – up against the barrier – were groups of males in their 20s and 30s, beers in hand, cheering and leering at you. You probably noticed them.

 Everett True

Sexism etc – a further update

Enough men have had a crack at writing about music for people to know that most of them are crap at doing it. I really don’t see what’s so radical about that view.


Boys Against Girls: the Brisbane Street Press, part 1

If a contributor was called something like Darren, Steve or Tim, I assumed they were male.

 Everett True

anyone else find this offensive?

I admit I do seem to be quite prickly these days but, surely?

 Everett True

10 Most Read Entries on Collapse Board, 01-07.02.11

Half of the DVD cover models weren’t even making sexy-face. They were making little-girl face. Eww?

 Everett True

Sexism etc – female music critics wanted for Collapse Board

Imagine if the music critic in Almost Famous had been female. Any chance at all she wouldn’t have been portrayed as a groupie?

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