
Boys Against Girls Against the Brisbane Street Press – part 2

You just have to wonder how much of ‘popular’ music’s ongoing canon is being written by a very narrow range of music reviewers.

 Andrew McMillen

A Conversation With Yannis Philippakis of Foals, 2010

By Andrew McMillen I interviewed Yannis Philippakis [pictured above], singer/guitarist of the British pop act Foals, for Scene Magazine in late December 2010, ahead of their Australian tour as part of Laneway Festival 2011(which I reviewed for The Vine). Our interview originally ran in condensed form as the cover story of Scene Magazine #811. Here’s the full interview transcript.


Boys Against Girls: the Brisbane Street Press, part 1

If a contributor was called something like Darren, Steve or Tim, I assumed they were male.

 Jodi Biddle

Music and the construction of female identity – Brisbane’s street press

I was going to focus my article on examining the way language is used to present women in the street press. Until I encountered a problem. There are none!