 Riley Fitzgerald

Zola Jesus + Miss Blanks @ QAGOMA,24.06.2018

Zola Jesus + Miss Blanks @ QAGOMA,24.06.2018

Can only be honest here, I’m late. Just in time to catch the closing roar of Zola Jesus reverberating off of gallery walls, nothing more. But those few and final tortured howls? Powerful stuff. I have to admit being a little late arriving when it comes to catching Miss Blanks live. That’s not to claim […]

 Riley Fitzgerald

Gizzfest 2017 @ RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane, 18.11.2017

Gizzfest 2017 @ RNA Showgrounds, Brisbane, 18.11.2017

Rain. Wiping a small ocean away from my face I make peace with the realisation that this year’s Gizzfest isn’t something to be attempted sober. I slide a drink out of my pocket and into my mouth, wincing. Alright. Okay. All good, some pitch shifting reggaeton chugs out from the radio from a car that […]