 Princess Stomper

Princess Stomper | Eleven more records to be embarrassed about liking

You can’t please everyone, and taste is subjective

 Princess Stomper

Intelligent women – the best of IDM

Yes, I know it’s a loaded term. IDM. “Intelligent Dance Music”.

 Everett True

One-word reviews? Here are 20 more

Witness, and pay tribute at the throne of the One, the Only, the True Word.

 Princess Stomper

One-word reviews? Here’s a few


 Princess Stomper

Pop vs Rock

Rock music is ‘better’ than pop music? There’s no fucking difference!

 Princess Stomper

Things I bought with my Christmas money

As if my mind needed bending lately.

 Princess Stomper

11 Greatest Things From 2011

Just knowing that there’s music this good out there makes me feel thankful, relieved, and a little bit spoiled

 Princess Stomper

What are record labels good for, anyway?

Quality is paramount and hopefully history will judge us accordingly

 Princess Stomper

Who makes the rules for music?

‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ is a prime example of AABA with an outro.

 Princess Stomper

dEUS – Keep You Close (Play It Again Sam)

Eclectic eccentricity that would seem forced or pretentious from other acts are just the company stamp of dEUS, inc