
Pen Tip Rips – 7: The Shins



The Dismal Spectacle of The Fall at Jeff Mangum ATP, Minehead Butlins, March 2012

I am afraid of Uncle Mark. Blatantly inebriated, this pixie-faced old man roams the stage like an imperious foreman.


Mumford & Sons know which side they’re on. And it ain’t yours.

Mumford & Sons playing the White House is the embodiment of the cultural logic of this Tory-led administration, and of British capitalism in general. Musicians are no longer the minstrels the ruling class hire for the occasion. These days they recruit their own. It’s safer that way.


Space Punk: The Online Video Years – “Group Pussy Riot burns Putin’s glamor”

This would be refreshing just as regular punk rock performed on a stage in a club, but Pussy Riot only play unsanctioned shows in public spaces.


The Feelies vs Lou Reed

In Hornby’s view, rock critics are a pretty sheltered lot. It is, he points out, a young person’s game.


Everett True and the Gender Obsession

Yes, he does say that there are good male musicians/bands. But it feels to me like they nearly have to prove themselves worthy of consideration


Laneway Festival @ RNA Showground, Brisbane, 28.01.12

I hate music festivals because I love music, and I mean properly love music. Real love is unhealthy, obsessive, consuming. I am outside Music’s house in defiance of a restraining order. I am frightening off Music’s new boyfriend. I am holding Music’s pets to ransom until Music agrees to return my calls.


NME introduces the one-word music review

As noted in last Thursday’s post, veteran music rag Spin has pronounced the traditional album review dead.


The Great Australian Songbook II

It’s considered traditional at the University of Queensland to drop your daks when it’s played on the local campus bars


Vulture Street Drum and Fife

Up until that point I’d lived in blissful ignorance of a true Brisbane underground. The music coming out of Port Chalmers had been the centre of my universe. It was a pivotal moment.

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